Sunday, December 4, 2011

Making the Most of It

Here's the weekend update since I didn't get to spend the weekend with my newest niece and nephew and my favorite brother and his wife. Sadly, you will have to wait another 3 weeks until I can share the little craft project that I completed as a gift for my niece and nephew that I alluded to here.

After moping on Friday night and spending 3 hours Saturday morning on the couch watching 90210 reruns I finally decided to get up and get stuff done! If I wasn't going to be cuddling my niece and nephew all day I was going to be productive.

I had already finished the 8 Christmas stockings that I was planning to take to San Antonio. But now since I had some extra time I put a few extra touches on them. I'm not going to share what those were here, but I promise I will share once my sister-in-law hangs them up in her house. I also started 2 more stockings for Marc and I. These ones are a slightly different style then the ones above and I think they are going to turn out really cute. Unfortunately I cut them so the toes point to the left, so they won't match the rest of the stockings at Christmas, but I guess Aquilas like to be unique.

The best part of the weekend was spending an hour on facetime chatting away with my brother and his family in San Antonio. I got to see each of the twins, go outside with Jaeger while he barked at squirrels, help my brother hang a picture in his living room, and learn how to swaddle the babies nice and tight. I also got to see how they have rearranged the furniture in their living room and some of the fun gifts they have received for the babies. I am so thankful that they took the time to make it feel like I was hanging out with them even though I was 1300 miles away.

All in all, even though it started out as a very sad weekend I was able to make it into a very productive weekend. I just hope the next 3 weeks pass very quickly.

20 days to go . . .

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