Friday, January 25, 2013

My Worker Bees

*** I'd like to acknowledge that today was our original due date, before ***
*** it was changed by the ultrasound. So happy due day Baby A! ***

If you've been reading this blog for a while you may remember how much we've been able to accomplish when my parents come to visit - painting closets, priming walls, discovering the front and back pathhelping us move in, scrubbing the kitchen top to bottom and various other tasks.

I'm happy to share that they are at it again! Thanks to my Dad we now have a beautiful hallway. As you can see in the photo below he painted over the blue/grey/teal color with a brighter warmer neutral (Cozy Cottage). Although it's not finished yet, I can't believe how big of a difference it has made. It still needs a second coat and the door to the attic needs painting but it's awesome. The photo below just doesn't do it justice. Now I really want to hang some pictures on the wall between the attic door and our bedroom door (the two doors on the right) to make it feel even more like home.

click photo to enlarge
While my dad has been painting my mom and I have been busy sewing. Using a tutorial found here we were able to make a nice warm blanket for the baby. I made similar blankets for the twins last year but this time I folded the flannel over the edge of the minky fabric which not only made it easier to sew but also created a really nice border. Since it's quite a large blanket, I'm hoping to use it for tummy time.

My mom then took on the task of hemming the curtains we use instead of closet doors. I had pinned them but never gotten around to actually hemming them. Thanks to my mom that's crossed off the list! While she hemmed the curtains, I sewed together a second blanket for the baby using this tutorial. Super easy to throw together, a little thinner then the above blanket but I made it just as large (1 1/4 yards fabric). I chose to make this because I really liked the details - rounded corners and zigzag stitching. It's big enough for a secondary tummy time blanket and I'm sure it will have a number of other uses too.

I can't tell you how nice it is to have two extra sets of hands around. It's amazing how much you can accomplish in a day with extra help. Tonight we are heading into Hanover to enjoy a night out on the town taking in the Dartmouth Hockey Game. My parents definitely need a rewarding night off from all the work they've accomplished so far.


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