Saturday, April 21, 2012

Quechee Gorge

This morning Marc and I decided to take advantage of the 70F weather by heading out to Quechee Gorge for a short hike.

We picked up the trail behind the visitor center and headed down towards the bottom of the gorge. At the bottom we found some garbage and knocked over trees which we assume was a result of Irene. Next, we turned around and headed all the way up to the dam at the top of the gorge.  

It was a perfect day to be out but surprisingly there were very few other people around taking in the gorge. I decided to take advantage of the peace and quiet and take a little video to share. If you listen carefully you can hear the afternoon breeze and the birds chirping. 

This evening it is absolutely pouring rain. It's strange that this morning it was so beautiful and now it is a cold wet blustery evening. It's like they say in the northeast, "If you don't like the weather, wait an hour." 


1 comment:

  1. So pretty -- I love all the natural areas that are around your town! I still need to explore more places around DC, but sometimes it's hard to find the time to get out of the city...
