Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Since Saturday, when all of our worldly possessions arrived on an Atlas moving truck, it's been a whirlwind of unpacking around here.

Initially the truck had trouble getting in front of our condo. Apparently our move has coincided with the unofficial start of Vermont mud season. This means that the smooth drive around our condo community is currently a rutted, smooshy mess. It also didn't help that there were three inches of fresh snow on top of that mud. Thankfully our driver was able to chain up his tires, drive in the "out", then turn around in the cul-de-sac across from ours, and park at the end of our carport. A little bit more walking with each of our boxes but close enough to not have to shuttle our belongings on another smaller truck.

Saturday we probably put in 7 hours of unpacking to setup the master bedroom and closet. Sunday was our busiest day with about 14 hours to unpack the kitchen, setup the bathrooms and arrange the furniture in the living room. Monday was our big push to just get it done with about 12 hours to unpack the guest bedroom, dining room and living room. That left yesterday as our easiest day of rearranging a few things throughout the house, taking boxes to a friends house for storage, getting the internet and propane setup, and relaxing at home for the evening.

It's definitely nice to feel settled and feel like we are home. There are still some living room boxes to open and pictures to hang on the wall but at this point it all feels manageable as opposed to overwhelming. The pictures below show the unpacking mess from before. I hope to have the "after" pictures posted next week.

So from now until Marc starts work on Monday, we are officially on vacation.

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