Saturday, December 27, 2014

Poppy - 2 Weeks

Weight - 8 pounds 6.5 ounces
Length - 20 1/2 inches
Head Circumference - 14 1/4 inches

Dear Poppy, 

Two weeks in and it already feels like you have been a part of our family forever. This week you realized that being quiet doesn't always get you what you want. So instead of happily sitting in your dirty diaper, you have found your voice and tell us a with a little cry that something just isn't right. You are still not a big fan of diaper changes but this week you are no longer trying to exact your revenge by peeing or pooping on us the minute we open your diaper. When it comes to nursing you don't nurse for very long but you are definitely efficient and eating well as you gained almost a pound in the last 11 days. 

This week you have more periods of being alert and awake which has made me start wondering whether your blue eyes will be the same shade as any of ours. You like to lift your head up and bobble around a little bit trying to take in the sights around you. Your sister still really enjoys checking on you and letting us know when you are awake or asleep or even if you just made a little squeak. She didn't get to hold you much last week when she was sick but this week she has enjoyed holding your hands and gently touching your head. She also likes to throw a tickle in there for good measure. Lastly, she has started sharing some of her toys and blankets with you but don't worry, we always make sure she puts them next to you and not over your face. 

We thoroughly enjoyed sharing our Christmas traditions with you but you seemed much more happy to spend the day asleep. On Christmas Eve not only were we able to capture one of your smiles on camera but you also decided you would give us the gift of your umbilical cord. Granddad wasn't the least interested in looking at it. Daddy, on the other hand, is fascinated by the way that your belly button looks. I think we're all waiting to see how it will change in the next few months. 

The only downside to this week was when you picked up your first winter cold. You had a slightly elevated temperature (99F) but it was really the sniffles that made us all feel sad for you. Nana even volunteered to sit in the bathroom and hold you while mommy showered so that you could inhale some steam. Thankfully being sick hasn't really affected your sleep and, while your sleep patterns are still unpredictable, we are getting some good 3 hour stretches during the night. It amazes me how much you have changed in such a short period of time and I can't wait to see what happens over the next two weeks! 

Your Mom, Dad and big sister Violet

Violet and Poppy at 2 weeks

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day 2014

Our day started out with a Christmas tree surrounded by presents. This was the first year Violet knew about Santa Claus and she was definitely excited by the prospect that he would be bringing her toys. We also made sure to check and see if Santa ate his cookies and the reindeer ate their carrots - although I'm not sure that this actually meant anything to Violet. I also took the opportunity to snap a quick picture of the girls in their coordinating winter owl pajamas. 

Last year Marc got me an app that allows me to easily set up my camera to take timelapse photos and I was able to create a Christmas morning video. This year I set it up again so we could capture our Christmas morning present opening with everyone involved. Next year I'll remember to set the camera settings to automatic instead of manual so that when the sun comes out it doesn't end up overexposed. Live and learn!

After opening presents in our pajamas we got dressed and enjoyed biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Our original plan was to give Violet her final Christmas present, a play kitchen, after her nap but since she was already overstimulated by the other toys she received we decided to wait until later in the week. Instead we enjoyed a family meal after her nap of turkey, stuffing, roast potatoes/brussel sprouts/parsnips, broccoli, carrots and gravy. My favorite part of the day was being able to spend a day at home with family, good food and the newest quietest member of our family - Poppy. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

This Christmas Eve we were able to carry on our family traditions that we started last year with Violet. We gave each of our daughters a new pair of coordinating pajamas and a Christmas tree ornament to add to their own collection. Last year I was much better at capturing it all on film, this year I was much more interested in being part of the experience but thankfully my Mom was able to catch a few snapshots on her iphone.

After opening the Christmas Eve presents it was on to a reading of The Night Before Christmas. It's amazing to me how much Violet has grown up since last year. It makes me very excited to see how much both girls will grow over the next year. 

Violet of course couldn't go to bed without giving Poppy a big hug and a kiss.

And Poppy couldn't go to bed without showing us her party side. (This was probably just a coincidence of great timing and a little gas.) She also gave us her umbilical cord as our own Christmas Eve present. To say Nana and Granddad were unimpressed would be an understatement but I found it pretty cool.

Happy Christmas Eve - we hope Santa visits your house and brings you presents too! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Poppy - 1 Week

Weight - 7 pounds 7 ounces
Length - 20 inches 

Dear Poppy,

1 week already, man how time flies! It seems like just yesterday Violet and I were starting our day just like any normal Wednesday but by the end of the day your dad and I were happily cuddling you in our arms at the birthing center - a full 9 days before we expected to meet you. All three of us have really loved getting to know you over the past week and we have realized what a great team we are together.

So far you don't really ask for much. You're happy to sleep during the day - in someone's arms, your swing, bouncy chair or really just about anywhere. When you're hungry you let out a little squeak or two but you definitely aren't as food motivated as your sister was. The worst part of your day is during diaper changes. This is when you really let us know how you feel and let out your loudest cry - which doesn't sound like more then a sparrow's chirp. At night you are slowly moving towards eating every three hours which means both mommy and daddy are feeling a little more rested each day. And during the day you are beginning to have some quiet alert times where we can watch your eyes take in the world around you.

When you were in mommy's belly you used to get the hiccups at least once a day. This was new for me because your big sister Violet never had the hiccups. This past week you have also started getting the hiccups, although I have to admit I find them much more manageable now that I'm not sharing them with you. Your Dad and I are both fully enjoying discovering all your baby features - your furry shoulders and ears, the squeaks you make in your sleep, and the funny faces you make as you look around.

One of my biggest questions while you were in my belly was whether or not you and Violet would look alike. It's obvious the two of you have the same color hair - yours may have a bit more blonde to it then hers did but it is definitely brown with highlights. We'll have to wait a bit longer to figure out which of your other features you share.

Happy First Week Poppy!

Your Mom, Dad and big sister Violet

Violet and Poppy at 1 week

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Introducing the newest addition to the Aquila clan ...

Poppy Erin Aquila 

December 10, 2014 
2:59 pm 
7 pounds 10 ounces 
19 3/4 inches

Poppy surprised us by arriving 9 days before her due date and one full day before her Nana and Granddad were scheduled to arrive from California. But we couldn't be more excited to have her here with us. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Big Girl Bed

It's official Violet has moved into her big girl bed! Marc and I wanted Violet in a twin bed before her sister arrives in December. At first we couldn't find a bed we liked so I asked Marc to make her a bed based on Ana Whites Pioneer Bed plans. And it couldn't have turned out any better - I love it and more importantly Violet is in love with it.

So far she's had two nights and two naps in there and it's been pretty successful. The first night she went to bed with no problem, stayed in bed all night until 7:30am when she grabbed a couple of stuffed animals and stood behind her door calling for us. This morning she stayed in bed playing with her stuffed animals until we went to get her. 

Nap time is funny. She loves climbing under the covers and reading books with me laying down next to her. She is perfectly still until I leave the room. For the past two days she has then gotten out of bed to re-read the books to herself. She then climbs back into bed, tucks herself in and goes to sleep. 

I'm curious whether she will stick with this pattern or whether she will get more adventurous and start exploring her room and toys instead of napping. Or maybe we'll get lucky and she will continue to behave. I guess only time will tell.

... And I guess now would also be a good time to get working on the coverlet I want to make for her bed so she can have real big girl bedding too. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Edgewater Farm CSA Week 15 and 16

I've been a little bit behind in keeping up with our CSA boxes for the end of the season. Week 15 we received carrots, onion, plum tomatoes, corn, Carmen peppers, savoy cabbage, celery, Hungarian hot wax pepper and kale in our box and I didn't even take one picture of it. I'm going to say it's because it was my birthday and also my parents are visiting but most likely it's because we opened the box after Violet went to bed.

I can't believe it's already week 16 and the end of our CSA box. I'm pretty sure I didn't keep a tally of everything that was in our box but I do know that there were tomatoes, lettuce, parsley, red onion, yellow onion, potatoes, and leeks. Violet had a great time exploring the box immediately pulling out the parsley and holding it up to her nose to smell.  

Then she spotted the tomatoes and wanted to get them out of the box. After removing the entire container she spent the next five minutes inspecting each tomato individually and making sure each one smelled right.

Last but not least Violet wanted to see how strong she was by trying to life the entire bag of potatoes all by herself. It was definitely heavy but she did a good job of holding them up for the pictures.

I have to say it's been a really great CSA season. One of my favorite parts about this CSA was the variety of foods we received each week in our box. There are a few items I wouldn't be interested in getting again - some of the hot peppers and the fennel bulbs. And there are many that I will miss during the winter - corn, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, and the hakuri turnips. But I definitely wouldn't hesitate to sign up for the CSA again next year. Not only for the produce but also to see how Violet reacts to the box each week. Perhaps next summer she'll actually help me cook some of the foods! 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Day at the Farm

There are moments when you take a picture of your child and wonder, where did my baby go? This picture is from our playgroup trip to Billings Farm today. There is such a grownup look to Violet, I just can't get over it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Edgewater Farm CSA Week 14

This week we are enjoying potatoes, onion, heirloom tomatoes, corn, cherry tomatoes, dill, hakuri turnips and eggplant from our CSA box. It's amazing how much flavor the cherry tomatoes have - they are definitely the item all of us like to eat straight out of the box. I'm also really excited to have hakuri turnips again, they are absolutely delicious roasted! I think Marc is most excited about the heirloom tomatoes. They are definitely something we want to try to grow in our garden one day. 


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Edgewater Farm CSA Week 13

In our box this week we received corn, plum tomatoes, fennel, onion, green beans, pepper, hot pepper, arugula, cilantro and zinnias. I've really been enjoying the corn we've been receiving and I know Marc is going to be really excited about the arugula. 

Violet is a big fan of green beans - after finding them in the box she wanted to taste them straight away. 

Then it was on to find the tomatoes. It may look like a large heavy bag but this little girl is strong.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

First Day of School

Today was Violet's first day of "school". This year she'll be attending Toddlers Morning Out a cooperative preschool of sorts. She is in a class with ten other kids her age, two teachers and a rotating parent volunteer. Although it's only two days a week for a couple of hours each day we are very excited that she'll have some socializing time away from Mommy and Daddy.

To commemorate the first day we decided to take a family picture outside. Violet wouldn't wear her backpack so we propped it on the wood pile. Although later I did get one skeptical and slightly blurry photo of her with it on. 

Happy Back to School everyone! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Edgewater Farm CSA Week 11

This week Marc was away on a business trip on Wednesday so Violet and I went to the office to pick up the box. The whole drive home and when we entered the house I listened to a chorus of "box, box, box ...". It's amazing how persistent she can be over something she loves. 

Inside our box we had Corn, Cabbage, Carrots, Plum Tomatoes, Melon, Purple Radish, Carmen Pepper, White Pepper, Parsley, and a couple Lisianthus to add to our flower share. 

Once again Violets favorite were the "tatoes!". Although she was intrigued by the purple radishes too. 

Nothing too crazy and exotic in this box but lots of delicious fresh produce. The corn and melons have been exceptionally good so far this year so I'm happy to keep receiving them in our box. We're also finally getting the hang of using everything up before the next box arrives which always feels good.