Hard to believe Thanksgiving was already a week ago. Marc and I had a fantastic trip to California to spend time with my family. Not only did we get to see my mom and dad, but my sister flew in from England and my brother and his family flew in from San Antonio. Although I really felt like I got to spend some quality time with each of my family members the 5 days we were there flew by way too quickly.
Our hope was to return home re-energized and ready to start making some progress on our to-do list. Unfortunately, Marc and I both picked up a little cold on one of our airplane trips. Which means much of this week has been spent blowing our noses, resting in pajamas on the couch and going to bed by 8:30 pm. Thankfully I think we are both on the mend and we can finally get back to "normal activity".
Last night was our 30 week checkup for the baby. It was interesting how the tone of our meetings has now changed from "you're pregnant" to "you're having a baby". I guess 10 weeks isn't very long but February still sounds so very far away to me. I'm happy to report that baby girl is still growing well and has a very healthy strong little hearbeat. She's also very reactive when the midwife tries to locate her position, lots of little bumps, pokes and kicks. After the checkup I was beginning to feel like we really should get a move on with finishing up the baby's room. First on the list is finishing the painting, here's a sneak peak
We also had a little bit of snow last night and we think the mink might have been out exploring the frozen pond. I know it's hard to see on the photo below but if you look closely you might be able to make out the footprints in the snow (faint dark line) down the middle of the photo.

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