Friday, August 31, 2012

Winter is coming

"Winter is coming", so my husband tells me. He says we must prepare for the months ahead of us because "nothing burns like the cold". For it is during the winter "when the snows fall a hundred feet deep and the ice wind comes howling out of the north" that we wish to be warm in our castle. So we prepare.

On Tuesday we received two cords of wood. The stack was taller then my car.

On Wednesday we started to stack it. 

On Thursday we continued to stack it.

And by 8pm Thursday evening we were done stacking our 2 cords of wood. For some perspective this stack is 17 feet long, 3 feet wide and about 4 1/2 feet tall. There are two rows in the back and one mini row in front.

Today we get two more cords. "Winter is coming." 

***In case you aren't a reader of Game of Thrones by George RR Martin, the quotes originate from the book series which Marc and I have slowly been making our way through. 



  1. Ok, maybe a stupid question..but how do you get to your firewood if the snow is 100 feet deep. =)

  2. One of my tree farmers tells me he needs 5 cords for the winter.
