Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Visiting the twins

This week I am spending some time with my brother, his wife, and their twins. I arrived on Sunday night and so far we have had a blast. First up was feeding and changing diapers. Somehow my Christmas trip passed without changing a single poopy diaper. Thankfully the twins were able to quickly fix that situation on Sunday evening.

Yesterday we moved the twins cribs out of the master bedroom and into their own nursery. This then meant we had to go out and get a baby monitor so mom and dad can keep track of the babies during the night. The first Babies R Us was sold out of the monitor we wanted to buy, but thankfully another one across town had one. The twins didn't enjoy having to go to two stores and by the end were screaming and ready to return home.

I cant believe how many bells and whistles this baby monitor has. Two way sound, two cameras, night vision, the ability to scroll the camera left, right, up, and down. It's amazing how much technology can do for you. The creepy part was when I was in the nursery calming Nixon down this voice comes out of nowhere to say, "tuck the paci under his arm". Kinda creepy but helpful if I had gotten stuck and needed some assistance.

The rest of Monday was spent completing chores at home. Then in the evening I was able to give both babies a bath. Nixon isn't the biggest fan of bath time and you could tell when he was first in the water that he was kinda holding his breath. After a few minutes he relaxed and we had a great time. On the other hand Josie was instantly at home and even tried to splash me by kicking her legs around.

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