Sunday, October 20, 2013

Back to Reality

We've been on a little hiatus over here recently. The leaves have changed and most of them have already fallen. Violet and I spent a week in California followed by a week in Hawaii with Marc and the rest of my family. 

Now that we are home we are trying to get back in the swing of things. Violet is battling the tail end of her first cold and Marc and I are busy preparing for the change of seasons. 

Today Marc climbed up on the roof and together we cleaned the chimney. It looks like next week's weather will require the wood stove to be working. While he was up there Marc also swept the roof of pine needles and cleaned out the rain gutters. 

While he was on the roof Marc suggested I sweep the deck. I decided to do one better and pulled out the leaf blower. Now I know why my dad thought it was important we had one ... that power tool is fun!! 

I'm hoping to get a chance to catch up on some posts this week as there is much to share. Violet has turned 8 months and we all had a fantastic family vacation to Hawaii. 

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