Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Violet - 6 Months

Weight - 18 pounds 3.5 ounces
Height - 27 1/2 inches
Head Circumference - 17 inches

Dear Violet,

We've survived half of a year together but man is it bittersweet reaching this milestone. On the one hand you are more interactive and are beginning to "talk" more. There was a week of constant "raspberries" (aka fart noises), a week of gargling, and most recently a slightly disturbing week of inhaling squeaks. The best part is that now you recognize and look for both Daddy and me. On the other hand you are quickly moving away from being our little baby. Not only are you getting bigger by the day but you are also getting more mobile which means your cuddly-snuggly moments are getting more and more infrequent.

As far as Nana is concerned you've been teething for the past 2 months but so far, still no teeth. The drool can be unreal at times and this month especially you have a fascination with putting things in your mouth - my finger, daddy's glasses, tags on anything, washcloths, diapers, and toys. The legs kicking, arms reaching out, mouth open in an "o", raised eyebrow excitement for anything that Daddy or I am holding is priceless. I really hope that in the future you find other experiences to bring you this much excitement. I also hope I always remember your super wide all gum smiles that you have started to flash at us this month.

You have been a pro at rolling from your back to your tummy for a little while but now you are mastering the roll from your tummy to your back. You've also mastered moving around in the walker. The first week you were stuck in reverse but pretty quickly you learned how to tilt your weight and move forward as well. With all this movement it is rare but you still occasionally will fall asleep in my arms when I am nursing you. I cherish each and every one of those moments as I hold your tiny hand or run my fingers through your soft, thin, fair hair.

You've had some firsts this month too. We had our first trip together on a boat and you swam in Lake Champlain. We took our first family pop-up camper trip to Pennsylvania and Washington DC. We visited family and friends and we also took you to see the space shuttle at the Air and Space Museum. You spoke your first syllable - "Ba". Lastly, one first I'm still not sure how you pulled off, but you had your first food by diving mouth first onto Daddy's watermelon while he held it in his hand.

There are many nights when your Dad and I acknowledge just how lucky we are to have such an amazing daughter. You still don't sleep through the night, you can be cranky at times, but on the whole you are a laid back little girl who observes and takes in the world around her. We couldn't ask for more.

Your Mom and Dad

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