Friday, July 12, 2013

Violet - 5 months

Weight - 16 pounds 10 ounces

Dear Violet, 

How has it already been 5 months? It seems like just yesterday I was looking at your wrinkly "old man" feet and smoothing down your crazy hair. Now you have soft potato feet and a head of hair so thin and light in color that it couldn't be more different from the day you were born. At the beginning I struggled seeing further then the current day when I thought about breastfeeding and now I can't imagine a day without it. In fact I'm just not ready to start solid foods with you despite what the doctor says because I cherish our nursing time together. It's hard to believe just how much has changed.

This past month we really feel like you have developed into a little person. It was funny to both of us when we watched you scratch your head. This is going to sound strange but it was such an adult thing to do and looked so grown up that it had us both intrigued. The scratching was due to a little bit of cradle cap but it seems that, just like your baby acne, it was here for only a brief second and is now only a memory.

You are definitely beginning to master some pretty awesome skills. At the beginning of this month you found your feet and boy are you excited about them. Especially since it is something you can put in your mouth and suck on. Finding your feet led to you turning onto your side in your crib and falling asleep that way. One night you realized that if you put your right thumb in your mouth and your left foot in your left hand you could tip all the way over and on June 28th you rolled over for the first time. You were in your crib at that time and started crying so we looked on the video monitor to see that we had missed your milestone. That first night you wanted to continue practicing your new skill but you weren't so happy to sleep on your tummy so after a little fussing Daddy and I would rescue you and flip you over to your back. Thankfully the next night you got comfortable and fell asleep on your tummy with your thumb in your mouth. That's pretty much how you sleep every night now.

You've also started to sit up unassisted for short periods of time. It's pretty fun to watch you look around and play with whatever toy we put in front of you. In fact you are even passing toys from one hand to the other. Some of your bigger toys you have to grasp with both hands and you better believe you are good at taking whatever you grab hold of straight to your mouth. You love to reach for whatever Daddy is eating or drinking, even if it is a beer. If we're not careful you're also quick to grab Daddy's glasses or Mommy's hair. One of your more tender moments is when you reach up and place your hand against our cheeks or rest it on our nose.

Speaking of your mouth you are a pro at blowing raspberries and making fart noises. It makes me laugh out loud to watch you purse your lips, pull your chin to your chest, and blow so hard that your face turns pink. You've also started to have more giggle sessions. In fact on our recent trip to Costco you spent a few good minutes giggling with your Aunt Erin which allowed me to record it for the first time.

One of your favorite toys right now is the cloth spider that hangs from your car seat handle. Just when we think you are asleep we hear you pull it towards you and listen as it vibrates back up it's string. You also really like the silicone teething rings we received as a gift. They are a great way to keep your hands busy and distract you from rolling over while we are trying to get your diaper changed. You still enjoy spending time in your exersaucer - pulling the toys off, turning around, and sometimes even just pushing on your legs and trying to jump. My favorite is when I catch you at the right time of the day to sit with you and read you a whole book. Sometimes you even reach for the pages.

Next time we write an update you will have reached a half a year. Will any teeth have shown up? Will you know how to roll from tummy to back? I guess only time will tell. 

Your Mom and Dad 

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