Monday, June 24, 2013

Violet - 4 Months

Weight - 15 pounds 14 ounces
Height - 25 inches
Head Circumference - 16 inches

Dear Violet,

A while back I read that babies develop from their head down. First come the tears, smiles and tracking with your eyes. Next you find your hands and realize they can grab things. As you get better at grabbing things you find that your arms can also help you reach for items. While reaching for items you learn how to move your body and eventually you use your hands to find your legs and your feet. At this point you might actually start rolling over. Finally you learn to use your legs for sitting, then crawling, and eventually walking.

This month you have been all about moving your body and arms. There has been a lot of squirming and kicking on your play mat which has lead to you being able to swat at and grasp the toys hanging above you. I remember how amazing it was the day you grabbed the rings that hung from the elephant - one in each hand. You've also started to rotate around in your exersaucer reaching for all the toys around you. You have even started passing toys from one hand to the other. The only downside to your new found control of your hands is that now you can pinch. And pinch your mommy you do!

The other new development this month has been your voice. We started out the month listening to you trying out all the different noises your voice could make. There were a couple attempts at silent laughing and then we got our second and third laugh out of you on May 14th and 24th respectively. By the end of the month you had mastered making noise and even started using your eyebrows to make expressions as you would "talk" to us.

Every month it seems like you are growing up faster and faster. This month you stopped taking naps in the swing in the living room. Now you can nap for anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 1/2 hours in your crib. You are also quite adept at putting yourself to sleep by sucking on your thumb instead of your wubbanub. Speaking of which, you switch back and forth between your right and left thumb. It seems as though you have yet to choose a favorite thumb. But that doesn't mean you have abandoned wubbanub duckie completely. You still enjoy playing with the toy part in your car seat and when we are out and about.

This month was also a big month for visitors. We were finally able to take you down to Connecticut to meet your Great Grandma Peach. She thoroughly enjoyed holding you and seeing all your little tricks. On the same trip we also met your cousin Luke for the first time. Even though you aren't too much older then him, at this age you two are so different. He reminded Mommy of your newborn days when you were so tiny I could hold you all day and you would froggy up and cuddle with me. We also got to pick up Mommy's friend Kate who came to stay with us for a few days. She too was very excited to finally meet you. Lastly, Nana came back to visit for a couple of weeks. You two had lots of fun hanging out together and you even chose her over your Mom a couple of days.

Your Dad and I marvel at how much more interactive you are becoming every week. Your voice definitely helps you tell us what you like and don't like and when we aren't giving you enough attention. You still manage to make us laugh everyday with your looks, the way you interact with the world and the funny positions you put yourself in when you sleep. We can't wait to see what new skills you will have next month!

Your Mom and Dad

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