Weight - 15 pounds 1 ounce
Length - 24 1/2 inches
Head Circumference - 16 3/4 inches
Dear Poppy,
Something I wondered about a lot while you grew in my belly was whether you and Violet would look alike as siblings. Now, as I look at your 4 month picture I can't believe how much you and Violet are the same yet different. While Violet was born with more hair, you both have the same color and type of hair even down to the part that sticks up in the back because of your cowlick. You two have the same color blue eyes, a beautiful blue that is dark around the edge and different from both your mom and dad's shade of blue. But while Violet's eyes are definitely Daddy's shape we think that you look like I did as a baby. Violet has the same toes as your Aunt Effie and Aunt Stephanie while you have mommy's toes. Even though you weighed more at birth, Violet seems to outweigh you each month. However, length for length you two are pretty comparable. The rest we haven't figured out yet. So while you two aren't twins it is clear you are definitely sisters.
This month not only do you keep flashing your big cheesy smile but you have also started to coo and "talk" to us and the toys around you. You have started to reach out and hold the toys around you on the play mat, bouncy seat, exersaucer and car seat. If you aren't using your hands to reach for toys you are busy sucking and chewing on them, especially your first two fingers. I don't think you've figured out how to use these to soothe yourself just yet but we are optimistic that you are on your way. Then again maybe you won't be a thumb sucker and you will rely more heavily on your monkey lovey which you already like to hold.
Because of your interest in your hands we stopped swaddling you this month. We also moved you out of our room and temporarily into the guest room. Eventually you and Violet will share a room but we have to get some sort of bedtime routine for you figured out first. It would also help if your sleep patterns became a little more regular but that's a pretty big request for a four month old. No signs of rolling yet but you are definitely kicking your legs a lot and trying to arch your back. Sometimes when I put you back in your crib in the middle of the night I can hear the sound of you banging your legs against the mattress as you settle yourself back to sleep. No crying just the rhythmic sound of your legs crashing against the mattress.
We're really excited to watch you continue to grow and gain control over more of your body. Will you be rolling by the end of next month? Will you have started blowing raspberries? Time will tell and I can't wait to find out!
Your Mom, Dad and big sister Violet
Violet and Poppy at 4 months |