Weight - 8 pounds 6.5 ounces
Length - 20 1/2 inches
Head Circumference - 14 1/4 inches
Dear Poppy,
Two weeks in and it already feels like you have been a part of our family forever. This week you realized that being quiet doesn't always get you what you want. So instead of happily sitting in your dirty diaper, you have found your voice and tell us a with a little cry that something just isn't right. You are still not a big fan of diaper changes but this week you are no longer trying to exact your revenge by peeing or pooping on us the minute we open your diaper. When it comes to nursing you don't nurse for very long but you are definitely efficient and eating well as you gained almost a pound in the last 11 days.
This week you have more periods of being alert and awake which has made me start wondering whether your blue eyes will be the same shade as any of ours. You like to lift your head up and bobble around a little bit trying to take in the sights around you. Your sister still really enjoys checking on you and letting us know when you are awake or asleep or even if you just made a little squeak. She didn't get to hold you much last week when she was sick but this week she has enjoyed holding your hands and gently touching your head. She also likes to throw a tickle in there for good measure. Lastly, she has started sharing some of her toys and blankets with you but don't worry, we always make sure she puts them next to you and not over your face.
We thoroughly enjoyed sharing our Christmas traditions with you but you seemed much more happy to spend the day asleep. On Christmas Eve not only were we able to capture one of your smiles on camera but you also decided you would give us the gift of your umbilical cord. Granddad wasn't the least interested in looking at it. Daddy, on the other hand, is fascinated by the way that your belly button looks. I think we're all waiting to see how it will change in the next few months.
The only downside to this week was when you picked up your first winter cold. You had a slightly elevated temperature (99F) but it was really the sniffles that made us all feel sad for you. Nana even volunteered to sit in the bathroom and hold you while mommy showered so that you could inhale some steam. Thankfully being sick hasn't really affected your sleep and, while your sleep patterns are still unpredictable, we are getting some good 3 hour stretches during the night. It amazes me how much you have changed in such a short period of time and I can't wait to see what happens over the next two weeks!
Your Mom, Dad and big sister Violet
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Violet and Poppy at 2 weeks |