Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's in the details

As we get closer to the third trimester of our pregnancy Marc and I have started to feel more motivated to get some small projects crossed off of our to-do list. Here, in no particular order, are some of the projects we have been working on recently.

  1. Closet Curtains

    When we first moved into the house we found that not only did we finally have our own closets but the closets had bifold wooden doors. I was hopeful we could paint them white and make them work but the problem is that on Marc's side any time he went to open the doors they would collide with the door into the bedroom. Needless to say the bifold doors didn't last past the first couple of days in our house. Since then I've been meaning to hang curtains so we had a way to cover our closets. We found these curtains at IKEA, bought a shower curtain rod at Walmart and now we have something we are both happy with.

  2. Install Heater Covers
    The beautiful white case on the bottom of the wall is the heater cover.
    When Marc's dad was here in the summer he showed me how to install a heater cover over the heater we had in the bathroom. Hopeful I could share my knowledge with Marc, and make him to do the hard stuff, I went to Home Depot and bought some covers for the heaters in our bedroom. They have been sitting in the box on our bedroom floor for the last month. So finally I decided I would go ahead and install them myself. They were as much a pain as I expected them to be but they are clean and look beautiful.

  3. Arts and Crafts
    When we went to IKEA a few weeks ago I found this container for the qtips in our guest bathroom. To bring some extra color into the room I decided to go ahead and paint the inside of the container with some leftover orange paint from another project. I love the way it turned out and how it brings just a little bit more color to the room.


    This past week I also took out my sewing machine and paired the flannel I have been collecting with prefolded cloth diapers to make some burp cloths for Baby A. I've made these for friends and family and, after coming across some really cute fabric at Jo-Ann's, I decided I wanted some for my baby. I mean Daddy will burp the baby if he has a dinosaur or surfing burp cloth, right? And Grandma's love the grandma burp cloth.

  4. Wood Storage

    After lots of internal debate, Marc went ahead and bought 2 more cords of wood. That brings our grand total to 6. We're expecting to use this to heat our house so we don't have to use oil which is more costly. When the first two cords arrived Marc and I worked together to stack them. As soon as those were stacked, two more cords arrived. Thankfully my dad helped Marc with stacking these cords. Our most recent cords arrived a few weeks ago and my amazing husband not only discovered a wood rack buried among the weeds in the yard but he has diligently been stacking our final 2 cords. He has also made a place to store wood on our covered porch and next to our wood stove. It's amazing how much wood movement occurs at the Aquila Homestead!


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