Weight - 22 pounds 10 ounces
Length - 30 inches
Head Circumference - 18 3/4 inches
Dear Poppy,
Happy Birthday my little love! I still remember holding you in my arms for the very first time like it was yesterday. The anticipation that morning of finally seeing your face and getting to know you, not just the bump that was my belly. The sadness that your Nana and Granddad hadn't quite arrived yet (they were headed to the airport in California!). The support from your Dad who believed in us both. The relief at the end of labor because, come on, it was labor. Your beautiful scrunched up, goo covered face as you were placed in my arms and how much I just wanted you to make noises for me. Talk to me. And now, today, on your first birthday you are doing just that. Babbling about whatever it is that you want to share, grunting and reaching for the things you can't quite reach on your own and doodle-doodle-ing as you explore the world around you.
This last month of your baby year has been full of new milestones. Your first tooth, bottom right center, started to show at the end of November. You picked up your first sign language word - "more" - coincidentally the same first word your mother spoke. Quickly followed by the signs for "please" and "thank you". You appropriately wave hello and blow kisses goodbye, instead of the long delayed wave to absolutely no one. It's also been really fun to watch your mobility develop. You started the month pulling to your knees on the fireplace and the coffee table and now at the end of the month you pull all the way to standing. You are also a pro racer on your push and ride scooter - moving forward, backwards and even turning around corners.
This month you also had your first ear infection. At first we thought the pulling on your ears was just a new tooth, but after a couple rough nights of sleep the doctor confirmed it was in fact your ears. Although it was hard to be up every hour it was also a unique opportunity for the two of us. As I sat up in the middle of the night nursing you I realized that this might be one of the last times we would have these moments. And then I paused, took a deep breath, and took it all in. The glow of the moonlight through the window highlighting your long eyelashes as they rested on the soft roundness of your cheeks and our open land outside. The clear night sky full of bright sparkling stars to watch. The warmth and weight of your body draped across mine and the rhythmic sound of your breathing as you slowly returned to sleep. The irregular creaks and groans of the house set to the rhythmic tick tock of the clock. The familiar movement of the rocking chair as we reached our milestone of one year of nursing. There were nights where I struggled getting out of bed again, my body too tired to motivate my legs to carry me to you. But once we settled in I loved every second of these quiet moments together - just you, me and the middle of the night.
We really can't wait to see what your first toddler year brings with it. But most of all we are excited that you continue to be a happy, curious and opinionated little one in this family of ours.
Your Mom, Dad and big sister Violet
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Violet and Poppy at 12 months |