Weight - 21 pounds 14 ounces
Length - 27 3/4 inches
Dear Poppy,
Your last monthly post and you just barely squeaked it in there, we can officially say we have a crawler! No more of that "laying on your belly dragging yourself around with your arms" crawl. This crawl is the real deal. You are up on all fours wanting to go where you want to go. The final motivation that lead to this change? Visiting your cousins Elise, Will and Claire at their new house in Pennsylvania. Part of you just wanted to keep up with them and the other part found their carpeted floors to be just the right amount of friction. Either way it's fun to hear your panting along with the pat-pat of your hands as you follow us around.
This month you have also started to communicate with both your environment and people around you. You will hand us toys and actually let go of them. You are placing items on top of things like your toys on the coffee table or your leftover food back on the table. You picked up your first sign - "more" which is pretty hilarious considering mommy's first word was also "more". You wave hello and goodbye and are just beginning to blow kisses. The best part of this month is listening to your baby babble. You definitely want to be part of all our conversations and have even started adding pauses and intonation to your noises. You've definitely realized we are a family of chatter boxes!
Despite not having any teeth you can eat like the best of them! You can now devour an entire piece of cinnamon raisin bread on your own - we no longer have to rip it up into small pieces. You love just about everything we offer you and you scream if there's something on the table we aren't offering you. You're a pro at your sippy cup and when you are all done you let us know by letting gravity place it on the floor for you.
It's hard to believe your first year is coming to an end. We can hardly believe that next month you will no longer be our baby and will become our toddler!
Your mom, dad and big sister Violet
Violet and Poppy at 11 months |